From Kiddush to Bar Mitzvah Party – Marigolds Pop!

[Disclosure: This post contains Amazon affiliate links.]

Lately, all my craftiness goes to Instagram since it’s a quick way to share my creativity without all the work that goes into a blog. Life is just BUSY at the moment! But, I haven’t forgotten about my avid blog readers who have supported me from the beginning. I’ve actually had this post in mind for almost a year and decided today was finally the day to share it.

Photo credit: Sparkfly Photography

Last summer I was in the thick of it so didn’t really post much about it, but in August, we celebrated my son’s Bar Mitzvah! It was a wonderful day from start to finish and we loved every minute of it. But, what I really want to share today, is one very simple craft I did for the big day.

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Gearing up for Hanukkah – a few of my favorite things

[Disclosure: This post contains some Amazon affiliate links.]

Ugh!  Halloween is over and it appears as though Christmas has settled in to stay – it is EVERYWHERE already!  And I am not even going into it having had a nice solid dose of the Jewish holidays to sustain me since I spent Rosh Hashanah through Simchat Torah with pneumonia (and I am not talking just take a Z-pack and be okay pneumonia, we’re talking hospitalized for a couple days, out of the office for five weeks pneumonia – but don’t worry I am finally on the mend).  Anyway, Christmas is exploding already and so my natural response is to start thinking about Hanukkah.  My son and I went to JoAnn on Saturday to pick up some craft supplies and were very sad to not find a single Hanukkah thing amidst all of the Christmas stuff.  In addition, as we were checking out the checker commented on my pretty blue glitter cardstock and then proceeded to ask what color our Christmas tree was.   While I really wanted to be like WTF?! and ask why that even seemed like a sensible question, all I said was “Oh, we celebrate Hanukkah, this is the perfect color for that.”  Then she was either too scared to say anything else or was trying to wrap her head around the fact I didn’t celebrate Christmas.


Despite this experience, there is some fabulous Hanukkah stuff out there already which is the inspiration for today’s post.  It can go quickly so no time like the present to start your Hanukkah planning and shopping!resw

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Another holiday, another wreath!

[Disclosure: This post contains Amazon affiliate links.]

I had so much fun creating the dreidel wreath for Hanukkah and have decided that my door now feels naked without a wreath smiling at me when I arrive home.  So, I had a fun idea for a Tu B’Shevat wreath that really could work any time of year!  I’ve said it before but I will say it again, Tu B’Shevat is one of those holidays that without a Jewish calendar staring you down or a kid in religious school, you might not give it much thought.  It’s basically the new year of the trees, a Jewish celebration of the environment and it has some beautiful traditions but you can acknowledge it in a subtle way like creating a piece of kid tree art or even giving a silly gift like I have in the past. Continue reading

A Hanukkah wreath?!

When you hear the word “wreath” what do you think of? I immediately think of the popular Christmas decorations that are suddenly everywhere the day after Thanksgiving.  But here’s the thing… though they have taken on that connotation in modern America, wreaths have a deep history across time and the globe.  And what I have realized is that coming home to a wreath on my door is like being greeted with a nice warm smile and it makes me happy.  At Rosh Hashanah I put up a pomegranate wreath.  At Halloween, I had a monster face wreath.  For November, I have enjoyed my sweet felt flower wreath.  And now that we are entering the dark time of year and it’s almost Hanukkah, I wanted something even more fun and cheerful.  But sadly, a quick google search for “hanukkah wreath” turns up almost nothing but a few wreaths made of blue and silver ornaments (note to stores – round ornaments are pretty Christmassy even if you make them in “Hanukkah colors”).  So, what’s a girl to do?  Make something of course!

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A touch of Hiddur Mitzvah

[Disclosure: This post contains some Amazon affiliate links for certain items.]

I am back!  Well truly I haven’t gone anywhere but I have been far too busy mamaleh-ing to be blogging. That’s just the truth. I craft and create but adding the layer of writing and photographing (especially in the mess that is my craftroom) has just exceeded my daily allotment of quiet hours. Two year olds are busy bees and they want to do whatever mom is doing!  So, it’s currently nap time in my house, or rather was until a minute ago, and I have a few minutes to share a simple and sweet creation with you.

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Not Your Kid’s Hanukkah Countdown! L’Chaim!


If you look around at all of the Advent calendars out there, there are just as many designed for adults as there are for kids. But, in the land of Hanukkah decor, it seems that most of the designers seem to think only little kids celebrate Hanukkah. So last year I decided to make my husband his very own Hanukkah Countdown for each night of Hanukkah.

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A Very Jewish Summer Day 3: Camp Care Packages With Love

Welcome to Day 3 of A Very Jewish Summer! I know for many people summer evokes memories of Jewish summer camp and specifically sleep-away camp, your first adventure away from home.  Growing up in Southern Oregon, I never got to experience Jewish summer camp but having gone to college 3,000 miles from home, I know firsthand how much care packages from home mean.  My little one has a way to go before he heads off to camp by himself (though I am very excited we’ll be heading to Jewish family camp at the end of the summer!).  So, since I have several close friends whose kids will be at camp this year I decided to put together a combo of DIY and store-bought goodies to send them a little love from Mamaleh.

Personalized Camp Stationery

First, a little something to send some love back home (and maybe a thank you note to yours truly) : personalized stationery.  I realize we live in the era of email and text but I think there is nothing better than an old-fashioned letter or card.  I decided to give this a Jewish twist by including both English and Hebrew names on the cards.  Using Microsoft Publisher, I created my own custom A2 size (4.25″x5.5″) template and then created a text block at the top, inserting a little symbol in between the English and Hebrew.  (If you need help using hebrew fonts on your computer, or are looking for some stylish ones, check out my earlier post on the subject.) Then I printed these out on a variety of nice cardstock and cut the cards (by making them A2 size, you get 4 cards per 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of cardstock).  I even rounded the corners on some for a little something extra.

DIY Personalized Stationery

To finish off these sets, I paired them with basic A2 envelopes, cute kid-friendly stamps and matching little folders cut from this folder template using Silhouette Chipboard, layered with cardstock and then stamped and embellished with a little glitter glue.  A tip for the folders – be sure to let the glue set after gluing down the tabs on the sides by putting some pressure on it – I used binder clips which worked really well to hold it in place until it dried.  Last, I punched holes and tied them shut with a little piece of ribbon.

Personalized Stationery Set

Besides personalized stationery, I had visions of glow-in-the-dark kippahs for Shabbat and Havdallah under the night sky. This proved a bit trickier than I’d envisioned.  I started with some grey suede kippahs from (I found this was one of the few places that allowed me to order a single dozen versus the several dozen often ordered for weddings and other mitzvahs).  My original plan was to try some glow-in-the-dark heat transfer vinyl  but it wouldn’t stick to the suede so using my Silhouette  for something more intricate was out.

DIY kippah

Next, I tried a glow in the dark fabric marker – it worked on my first test kippah (above) but when I went to try it again the next day, it didn’t want to write on the suede, not exactly sure why, it was almost as if the nap of the suede prevented it from writing properly.  Besides, it didn’t have the same glow factor as my third choice: glow-in-the-dark dimensional fabric paint.  This is a bit tricky to apply because you may get a few bubbles or globs as you are squeezing it but if you go slow, it’s not too bad.  Here are the kippahs I came up with (and yes, one is for a girl, gotta be egalitarian):

DIY glow-in-the-dark kippahs

The result isn’t exactly what I was hoping for but I think it’s still fun and I am planning to go back over some areas to fill them in a bit more.  I know from experience that putting too thick a layer of dimensional paint can prevent it from properly drying so going back over it after it’s completely dry is definitely the way to go.  I also may keep my eye out for other colors of glow-paint to add a touch of color before I send these off.  Most importantly though, they definitely glow in the dark (I tried to get a photo of this but it proved way too difficult), so hopefully they will be a hit with these kiddos!

Finally, I did a lot of searching for just the right store-bought additions to these care packages, a little bit of something for everyone:

Camp Care Packages Mini Camp Bunk Box of Questions for some late night chit-chat fun; Girls World of Doodles – I must admit that I kinda wish I could keep this for myself just to spur my own creativity; Mr. Sketch Markers to use for doodling; Finger flashlights for late night reading or silliness, enough to share with the whole cabin; Mad Libs – these were one of my faves on long car trips so I figured they’d be great for camp as well: Lego Star Wars Mad Libs and Summer Fun Mad Libs Junior and finally the yiddish-named build-a-bagel card game Schmear which looks like a lot of fun!

Hope I’ve inspired you to be crafty and creative with your summer camp care packages this year.  If you aren’t feeling crafty or if you’re short on time, you can always opt to send one from somewhere that specializes in camp care packages like The Wrinkled Egg or Sealed With a Kiss.  One final thought, be sure to check what your camp’s care package policies are before sending – most don’t allow food and as a result will open things that are not obvious, hence I am not doing any sort of wrapping.  I can’t wait to pack up all of these goodies and send them off!  What about you? Are you planning on sending any care packages this summer?  What are you including?

That wraps up Day 3 of a A Very Jewish Summer, hope you are enjoying the party so far!  If you are just joining us for this blogging party, be sure to check out what you’ve missed so far –  we started out with the lovely dinosaur cookies by Yenta Mamas for a prehistoric Shabbat treat followed by a lovely Shabbat Alfresco tablescape by Chai & Home and tomorrow we’ll be treated to a yummy recipe from Busy in Brooklyn.  So stay tuned as a Very Jewish Summer continues!

A little bit of this, a little bit of that…a card, a winner and another giveaway!

And with that title, I am now singing “Anatevka” in my head and finding myself a bit distracted from getting down to writing.  Oh, how I love the soundtrack from Fiddler on the Roof!

In any event, here I am, finally!  Sorry it’s been way too long between posts but LIFE has just been way too busy lately.

First off, the winner of the handmade chevron and crystal mezuzah…comment #1 Dena from the fabulous Jewish style blog, Chai & Home.

L'Chaim Jewish Birthday card

Second, I just have a to share a fun card I made yesterday for a friend’s birthday.  It was my first attempt at a “shaker” card where the glitter or confetti actually shakes inside a window.  My base is none other than my favorite Curious Metallics White Gold cardstock.  I then cut out this fun wine bottle shape, which I modified with a window, from Curious Metallics Gold Leaf using my Silhouette.  Then I adhered window plastic to the bottle, arranged foam squares around the edge to make a frame, filled it with metallic confetti and adhered it to the card.  I will say that the confetti did sort of stick around the edges so not sure how to avoid that but overall I am quite pleased with the result.  For the sentiment I stamped the fun “L’Chaim” stamp I found on ebay and then embossed it with black sparkle embossing powder.

Jewish Craft Supply Giveaway

Finally, I promised you at least one more giveaway for my blogoversary and since April isn’t over yet, there is still time for one final celebration of the fact I have been blogging for an entire year! I am so excited about this I can hardly type!  The lovely Lauree at 1-800-Dreidel put together the most fabulous box of goodies valued at just over $55 to send to one of you, my dear readers.  There are stickers, cupcake toppers, ribbon, cookie cutters, a paper punch, beads and more!  It’s so fun!  You’ve heard me mention 1-800-Dreidel before – they are one of the few places that cater to Jewish crafters and have a great selection – it’s my go-to source for wine charms and the customer service is fantastic!  Check them out!  And as another special treat, you can get 10% off your entire first order by entering “Mamaleh” in the customer comment box.

Okay, ready to win this fabulous box of goodies?!  All you have to do is leave a comment below telling me what you’d do with all of these crafting goodies (or just saying hello) AND then click the link below to go to the giveaway on my Facebook page where you can then enter to win, with bonus entries for FB fans and Twitter followers:


Remember, you must click-through after leaving a comment for your entry to be counted.  Not on FB, you can enter here. Good luck and thanks for helping me celebrate a year of blogging!

Happy Blogoversary To Me!

Shalom and sorry for being so quiet lately.  Hope you had a lovely Passover!  We’ve had a crazy couple of weeks in our house that included saying a sudden goodbye to our beloved dog, Smokey Bear.  So, amidst all of that, I just haven’t felt all that crafty or articulate enough to write about some of the projects I’ve been waiting to share. But, a year ago today is when I welcomed you with my very first Made by Mamaleh post so I couldn’t let today pass without a little crafty goodness.

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