About Me

Shalom from Seattle!  So glad that you’ve found your way to my blog.  I’m a full-time mom and part-time lawyer who’s talked about being the Jewish Martha since I was in college. Unlike Martha, however, my house is in a constant state of cluttered chaos because I’d rather work on fun projects (and amass oodles of craft supplies) than clean, and I don’t have an army of assistants to help. Every time I come up with a new craft idea or find some great thing at the store and get really excited, my husband says to me “Why don’t you blog about it?”

So, here I am, one crafty (and I’d like to think stylish) mamaleh who loves to create. Whether I am designing a delicate piece of jewelry, whipping up a batch of my famous frosted sugar cookies, rubber stamping a birthday card or doing a toddler’s art project, I feel the most energized when I am exercising my creative muscles. My other passion is all things Jewish. After minoring in Judaic studies at Brandeis and having my Bat Mitzvah at the age of 20, I love all the Jewish traditions and always find myself disappointed that I can’t get the latest Purim décor at Pottery Barn. But, maybe I can just do it myself!

Made by Mamaleh is where the crafty and the Jewish combine to give you fresh, chic, creative ideas from a Jewish perspective. I hope to share crafts, recipes, shopping finds, kid activities, you name it. All with a Jew-ish twist. But don’t click away just because you’re not an MOT (Member of the Tribe, ie. Jewish), since not everything I do is going to be Jew-ish, and I guarantee you’ll find plenty of ideas for birthdays, Valentine’s Day, etc., from a down-to-earth, crafty mamaleh. Thanks for joining me on this adventure!

Full Disclosure

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact  gaby@madebymamaleh.com.

This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, I will and do accept and keep free products from companies and organizations that I believe fit with the nature of this blog.   In an attempt to give you detailed information about the projects I do, I try to link to the products used whenever possible.  Some of these posts contain affiliate links (namely Amazon), so sometimes I may get paid a (very small) commission if you purchase the product. These links are included after posts are written, and posts are never composed for the purpose of including advertising.

This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.

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8 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Love your creativity, passion and your blog! I spent many years in Boston and teaching elementary school. I am trying out your 10 Commandments Scavenger Hunt for K-1 tomorrow at Shabbat School. It took me all afternoon but I love it & I’m sure the children will too!!!


  2. Pingback: Valentine’s Day: Mamaleh-style | madebymamaleh

  3. What a pleasure to have stumbled on your blog! I’m also a Martha Jewart wannabe… and would also rather build a table from scratch than clear and clean the table I already have. Am now following you!


  4. Pingback: Mother’s Day Mamaleh-style | madebymamaleh

  5. Hey Gabby!
    Wendy turned me on to your site. You look Great! Very happy. So glad to feel/see what you’re up to. Much love and great success and happiness………
    .xoxox…….Barbara…..massage anyone??! 🙂


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