Winner, winner, Shabbat dinner!

As I write this, the most delicious smell is wafting from my kitchen and I only hope the result will taste as good as it smells!  I have been home all day with a sick bubelah so decided it was a challah-baking kind of day.  But, rather than go with my fav traditional recipe (which I’ll share with you another time), I decided to go with one from one of my favorite Jewish cooking blogs: The Challah Blog.  I mean what is there not to like about challah, but Amanda over at The Challah Blog takes it one step further with all kinds of fun kinds and shapes (great tutorials in this regard – it is now my go-to braiding reference).  A while ago, she posted about a maple syrup challah  that sounded divine.

A few preliminary thoughts: 1) I used the maple syrup cold from the fridge (since we always have it on hand) and my yeast did not foam up as much as usual so I wonder if perhaps this would work better at room temp; and 2) I am used to a recipe that makes two BIG loaves of challah which this didn’t.  It made two lovely smaller loaves (which is probably just as well for our waistlines).

Mmmmm….I just had a bite and it is delish and has a really nice texture.  I took Amanda’s advice and sprinkled cinnamon on one but I agree, I want even more of the maple sweetness.  I wonder how to achieve that?

Finally, we have a winner from our little Earth Day giveway, using a random number generator for a number between 1 and 8, I got #3: KaraAnne Grodin!  Shabbat shalom to all!  I’m off to have some wine and challah 😉

3 thoughts on “Winner, winner, Shabbat dinner!

  1. Pingback: Challaaaaaahhhh! | madebymamaleh

  2. Thanks for the shout out 🙂 They’re completely beautiful! I found some “maple sugar” at Trader Joe’s a few weeks ago that might make a nice sprinkle. It was on the pricey side, so I’m thinking about mixing it with regular sugar for the top. Or maybe mixed in the dough!

    I’m adding your blog to my Reader!


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